our vows
/Our Vows
And a little something that reminds us to try to live them every day
I don't know if it's a little strange for me to be like 'Hi, I'm Kaitlin. One of my very first blog posts will be one of the most personal things my husband and I ever said to each other." It totally might be! But I am 1000% doing it anyways. Ha! Because, to me, what is in this space is important. I want you all to know me. To know our family. And (#goals) to maybe even touch someone's marriage through the things Jordi and I learn along the way, and to do that, you have to know where we come from.
In five years, my GOODNESS have we already learned a lot. We have been through a lot. And at the same time, we are newbies to this marriage gig. I know that. And TBH, typing these vows here fills me with a whole lot of gratitude because, by the grace of God, the marriage and family we have today surpasses anything that we would have ever even dreamt about on our wedding day. Has it always been that way? Absolutely not. Is our little life perfect right now? Absolutely not. I don't want to paint a picture of perfection in any sense because we all know that families.. marriage.. life is not easy, my friends. But all in all, I am so grateful. Yes, there is a tinge of "ahhh, man I can do better" as I type these vows to share with you - but I'm trying not to focus on that. Grow from that and learn from that, but not dwell on it. And be thankful for grace daily.
So what's the little tip/trick that helps us live them? It's simple, really. These words are printed in a sweet little frame that I gave to Jordi for our first anniversary. The frame sits on our entryway mirror and I walk past them no less than fifty times each day. In moments of happiness, they continue to encourage us. In moments of hurt or frustration, the rings are on our fingers and the words are right there. They have a home on that little shelf that reminds us to tuck them into our hearts, think before we speak, and live our vows. It doesn't always work, but it helps. It is so simple and I highly recommend it. Here are our vows.. ;)
Our Vows
Jordi- In the presence of God, our family, and friends, I take you today as my husband. I promise to be for you the the partner God intended from the beginning. To love with you and laugh with you; to stand by your side and sleep in your arms; to be joy to your heart and peace to your soul; to bring out the best in you always and for you to be the most I can. I will honor you as my spiritual head. I will follow you as you follow Christ. I will cover you in prayer and will speak words of kindness. I will support your every dream. I will work along side of you as we build our family and create a home together that is a place of joy and comfort. I will honor our marriage above all else and in the joys and struggles that lie ahead of us, I will love you with all of my heart and will be faithful to you alone from this day forward until God calls us home. This is my solemn pledge to you and to God.
Kaitlin- When I look at you and think of you I know there is no such thing as coincidence and reflect on what is described in James 1:17 ; that every good and perfect thing is from above. I know God has blessed me with you and I promise to spend the rest of my life cherishing you and thanking God for you. I will never take you for granted. I will lead you and guide you as Christ leads me and has led me to you. I will follow His ways and commit to His will. I will lead by example, with patience, compassion, and understanding. I will be slow to anger and quick to listen. I will be a strong spiritual leader in our home through good times and bad, in joy and in sorrow, to love you and be faithful to you alone and keep our union sacred now and forever. This is my solemn pledge to you and to God. Please accept this ring as a symbol of our covenant and my undying love for you.
Pretty big stuff, right? And so worth fighting for. Please feel free to share any thoughts/tips/encouragement you have of your own! I love hearing from you!